
ARW Blogging Assignment 5(p.9-28)

The main characters in Old Man and the Sea are Santiago, a fisherman and Manolin, a boy who helps him.

Three adjectives that describe Santiago are "energetic", "lonely", and "gentle".
He is "energetic" parson because of his eyes, his body, and his work. His eyes are clear like the sea. It shows us that he has the mind like the sea which has the image of vastness, strength, and being undefeated. His body is still strong but old. His skin and his scars indicate that he is skillful fisherman who works at the sea long time. His work is fishing although he is an old man. He leaves power that he still can work as fisherman.
The boy is an only friend he has, so he seems to be "lonely". Also he had wife and her relics is in his house. Her photograph that is on the shelf make him too lonely because he loves her very much. Perhaps he does not feel lonely because he has a friend, the boy, but he must feel lonely when the boy is not nearby him.
He is a "gentle" because of following reasons. At the Terrace, although he is made fun of by other fisherman, he is not angry. He must have broad-minded. Also he is going to thank the owner of the Terrace to give something though the boy says that he already said to thank and he makes the boy wake up. Maybe my opinion is thought by a few reasons, but I think he is always concerned about other people.

Two adjectives that describe Manolin are "helpful" and "kind".
He always help the old man. He carries the old man's fishing tools anytime and brings their supper while the old man sleeps. Moreover he puts a blanket over the old man's shoulders, so he is very kind person.